Kayaking the San Francisco Bay Estuary

kayakingOn this kayaking adventure, we explored salt marsh ecosystems and other aquatic ecosystems found around the San Francisco Bay estuary in Richardson Bay, Marin County.  We started at nearly low tide and viewed the eelgrass beds of the intertidal areas where the largest population of eelgrass is found in the Bay.  They have been severely impacted by humans and are very poorly understood.  We discussed restoration opportunities and methods that San Francisco State University’s Romberg Tiburon Center researchers are implementing since 2007.

We then paddled up the estuary to Bothin Marsh, a salt marsh that lies at the edge of Richardson Bay in Mill Valley to the west of Sausalito. Here we checked out the lower salt marsh dominated by the native Pacific Cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) from the water!  We learned how to identify dominant plants and any animals, including harbor seals, leopard sharks, shorebirds, and all sorts of plant species and invertebrates.  We discussed their adaptations to these aquatic conditions and ecosystems in which we find them all while enjoying a beautiful sunny day paddling on the San Francisco Bay estuary…