IF NOT PALM OIL, WHAT ELSE? The story of Sabah’s development

One day dedicated to learn about Palm Oil industry from the perspective of local people in Sabah, Malaysia. Why is this interesting? My interest in the palm oil industry started due to the current news in Colombia, my home country, (currently fourth producer of Palm oil worldwide after Indonesia and Malaysia) to increase its production … Read more

Looking Deeper into Borneo’s Biodiversity

  Our tour of the Forest Research Center operated by the Sabah Forestry Department began through the seed germination lab. Here they use various instruments to measure the best techniques to germinate tree species that are best for timber production and produce fruits for local wildlife. One instrument they utilize in a table filled with … Read more

A Walk with Sun Bears

“Look! Eyes in tree!” our guide pointed to the bank of the Kinabatangan River. All of us on the boat peered into the gloom, aiming our headlamps. Two large, orange ovals shone back at us. “What is it?” someone asked. “Sun bear,” the guide replied. I grinned in anticipation of observing more of these bears … Read more

A Look Into Malaysian Conservation

As a wildlife conservation enthusiast who has worked for a rehabilitation project in Africa, I was ecstatic about being able to see how Malaysia handled their animals. There were mixed emotions within the group, about whether animals should be kept in enclosures or not, but we popped over to the sun bear and orangutan centres to see … Read more

Day 2 on Paradise Island aka Borneo

Disconnected yet connected. Empty yet full. Uncomfortable yet comfortable. The first few days at the Kopel Eco Camp have been full of dichotomies. In a world where we are subjected to sensory overload on a daily basis, I feel so fortunate to be in such a serene and peaceful place. Initially, it was very disconcerting … Read more